BACKCOUNTRY SKI TRIP 2024   - Telos Adventures

February 8-11, 2024 | Missoula, Montana

Create a deeper, more fulfilling life in God

You already know that backcountry skiing & riding is a rad adventure, but what if it was also a way to help us become the type of people who truly know Jesus and trust him?

 BACKCOUNTRY SKI TRIP 2024   - Telos Adventures

February 8-11, 2024 | Missoula, Montana

Create a deeper,

more fulfilling life in God

You already know that backcountry skiing & riding is a

rad adventure, but what if it was also a way to help us become

the type of people who truly know Jesus and trust him?

 BACKCOUNTRY SKI TRIP 2024   - Telos Adventures

February 8-11, 2024 | Missoula, Montana

Create a deeper, more fulfilling life in God

You already know that backcountry skiing & riding is a rad adventure, but what if it was also a way to help us become the type of people who truly know Jesus and trust him?

...waiting for you to click the play button

Watch the video below

...waiting for you to click the play button

...waiting for you to click the play button

How do we  ACTUALLY  do this thing called following Jesus?

We haven't been shown how to live in ways that cultivate an ever-deepening relationship with God.

And this feels like being under a glass ceiling: you can see what's available, but you haven't been able to get there yourself.

Which sucks... because you were literally made to know God as your home; you were made for more.

So the question is, "How do we do this thing called following Jesus?"

Ready to grow? How it works

The Telos Adventures Backcountry Ski Trip 2024 is a 3-day backcountry skiing/riding trip designed to help you take steps forward in your story with Jesus.

February 8-11, 2024 near Missoula, MT

Click on a section to read more

Here’s what you can expect...

1. Spiritual Development Sessions

This trip is all about backcountry skiing/riding… but at the heart of it is the desire to grow in God together.

During our time we’ll be having speakers and facilitators create a learning space for us to meet with God, to learn from each other, and take practical steps toward the life Jesus truly has on offer for us.

This will look like teaching and workshop-style spiritual development sessions with our small crew at our cabin.

Most conference-style events leave it up to you to figure out what to do with the info speakers share… not this retreat.

Because of its small and intimate format, you’ll be able to address the things that matter most in your life, ask questions, and make practical, tangible steps forward in your own story with Jesus.

Join the trip! →

2. Community

We believe deeply that transformation in our lives is 3-fold:


First, you have a part to play. For us, that looks like showing up with honesty and a desire to learn and grow.


The world likes to tell us that we are our own gods and that we can restructure and change our lives into whatever we want them to be within our own power.

But we believe true transformation that leads to life abundant as Jesus promised comes through an ongoing experience of and relationship with the Spirit of God.


And finally, though you can make massive strides forward in your spiritual journey by simply trying and doing it with the Holy Spirit, you will never step into the fullness of it without others.

We were created to come fully alive as our truest selves in God’s design within community. Without community we’re perpetually halfway there.


The facilitation sessions on this trip are essential, yet we believe that working it out and experiencing transformation will happen in the context of community over time.

That’s why this is a small trip with only 10 spots max!

Join the trip! →

3. Skiing & Snowboarding!

Christian sages of old and modern scientist have all arrived at the same conclusion: Time spent in God’s creation connects you to the Creator.

We’ve probably all sat around a living room talking about Jesus… but how many of us have done that while backcountry skiing!?

Ok, maybe a time or two… but how often has cultivating a more fulfilling life with God by the Spirit been the sole focus of our skiing and riding pursuits?

My guess? Almost never.

For us, second to relationship with God and others, there isn’t anything better than skiing.. so why not put them together!

After we finish our spiritual development sessions at the cabin each day, we’re headed out ski. And this is where the real work begins.

We’re able to be ourselves and let God meet us right where we are. AND we get to journey together with others while having fun skiing.

Join the trip! →

4. Experience God

And all of this is meant to help you experience God…

Maybe in a new way…

Or maybe in a familiar way but it’s been awhile.

After a decade of running outdoor adventures for the purpose of spiritual growth, we’ve learned that at some point it doesn’t matter how good the trip is set up…

At the end of the day, all we’re doing is showing up and letting God do his work.

We’re looking forward to you joining us.

Join the trip! →

Ready to grow? How it works

The Telos Adventures Backcountry Ski Trip 2024 is a 3-day backcountry skiing/riding trip designed to help you take steps forward in your story with Jesus.

February 8-11, 2024 near Missoula, MT

Click on a section to read more

Here’s what you can expect...

1. Spiritual Development Sessions

This trip is all about backcountry skiing/riding… but at the heart of it is the desire to grow in God together.

During our time we’ll be having speakers and facilitators create a learning space for us to meet with God, to learn from each other, and take practical steps toward the life Jesus truly has on offer for us.

This will look like teaching and workshop-style spiritual development sessions with our small crew at our cabin.

Most conference-style events leave it up to you to figure out what to do with the info speakers share… not this retreat.

Because of its small and intimate format, you’ll be able to address the things that matter most in your life, ask questions, and make practical, tangible steps forward in your own story with Jesus.

Join the trip! →

2. Community

We believe deeply that transformation in our lives is 3-fold:


First, you have a part to play. For us, that looks like showing up with honesty and a desire to learn and grow.


The world likes to tell us that we are our own gods and that we can restructure and change our lives into whatever we want them to be within our own power.

But we believe true transformation that leads to life abundant as Jesus promised comes through an ongoing experience of and relationship with the Spirit of God.


And finally, though you can make massive strides forward in your spiritual journey by simply trying and doing it with the Holy Spirit, you will never step into the fullness of it without others.

We were created to come fully alive as our truest selves in God’s design within community. Without community we’re perpetually halfway there.


The facilitation sessions on this trip are essential, yet we believe that working it out and experiencing transformation will happen in the context of community over time.

That’s why this is a small trip with only 10 spots max!

Join the trip! →

3. Skiing & Snowboarding!

Christian sages of old and modern scientist have all arrived at the same conclusion: Time spent in God’s creation connects you to the Creator.

We’ve probably all sat around a living room talking about Jesus… but how many of us have done that while backcountry skiing!?

Ok, maybe a time or two… but how often has cultivating a more fulfilling life with God by the Spirit been the sole focus of our skiing and riding pursuits?

My guess? Almost never.

For us, second to relationship with God and others, there isn’t anything better than skiing.. so why not put them together!

After we finish our spiritual development sessions at the cabin each day, we’re headed out ski. And this is where the real work begins.

We’re able to be ourselves and let God meet us right where we are. AND we get to journey together with others while having fun skiing.

Join the trip! →

4. Experience God

And all of this is meant to help you experience God…

Maybe in a new way…

Or maybe in a familiar way but it’s been awhile.

After a decade of running outdoor adventures for the purpose of spiritual growth, we’ve learned that at some point it doesn’t matter how good the trip is set up…

At the end of the day, all we’re doing is showing up and letting God do his work.

We’re looking forward to you joining us.

Join the trip! →

Check out some of our past trips

Check out the films from some of our previous trips below.

Lake Tahoe


Meet our team

A bunch of other folks trying to figure out this thing called following Jesus.

Joshua Johnson

Founder Telos Adventures


Joshua is the founder of Telos Adventures. He began his journey with Jesus while working as an adventure guide for a Christian ministry in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

It’s these experiences of befriending Jesus in the outdoors -  while guiding others into the same - that has motivated him to create and run adventure retreats.

Ryan Leeds

Director of Leadership Training for SFC


God has given Ryan two big passions in life: Jesus and snowboarding. He never thought that these two things had much to do with one another until he met some crazy Jesus-loving shredders back in 2011. Now, Ryan gets to work with these crazy Jesus-loving shredders as the director of leadership training for Skiers & Snowboarders For Christ in Colorado. 

Josh Oliver

AMGA rock guide, MacGyver-y dude


Josh - or J.O. for differentiation - has been recreating in outdoor places since he was a kid and working in them professionally for the last few years as a snowmobile and rock climbing guide.

He's got a keen ability to problem solve, which he inherited from his grandpa (think MacGyver) that typically makes everyone feel a little bit better about getting into new or unknown adventures.

Colton Born



Colton is a freelance director and cinematographer based in Whitefish, Montana who specializes in backcountry storytelling.

He's got a an extensive portfolio of incredible, cinematic video work, and when he's not behind the lens, he's probably on a split board.

Natalie Bruno

"Chef de Cuisine"


Natalie has been cooking since she was born (well.. almost). You’ll often hear her say that feeding people is one of her love languages. She’s half Italian, which heavily influences her cooking, and her love for it. Genetics, ya know!?

When she’s not cooking, she’s probably doing something outside or reading a book or taking photos on her film cameras. 

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Meet our team

A bunch of other folks trying to figure out this thing called following Jesus.

Joshua Johnson

Founder Telos Adventures


Joshua is the founder of Telos Adventures. He began his journey with Jesus while working as an adventure guide for a Christian ministry in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

It’s these experiences of befriending Jesus in the outdoors -  while guiding others into the same - that has motivated him to create and run adventure retreats.

Ryan Leeds

Director of Leadership Training for SFC


God has given Ryan two big passions in life: Jesus and snowboarding. He never thought that these two things had much to do with one another until he met some crazy Jesus-loving shredders back in 2011. Now, Ryan gets to work with these crazy Jesus-loving shredders as the director of leadership training for Skiers & Snowboarders For Christ in Colorado. 

Josh Oliver

AMGA rock guide, MacGyver-y dude


Josh - or J.O. for differentiation - has been recreating in outdoor places since he was a kid and working in them professionally for the last few years as a snowmobile and rock climbing guide.

He's got a keen ability to problem solve, which he inherited from his grandpa (think MacGyver) that typically makes everyone feel a little bit better about getting into new or unknown adventures.

Colton Born



Colton is a freelance director and cinematographer based in Whitefish, Montana who specializes in backcountry storytelling.

He's got a an extensive portfolio of incredible, cinematic video work, and when he's not behind the lens, he's probably on a split board.

Natalie Bruno

"Chef de Cuisine"


Natalie has been cooking since she was born (well.. almost). You’ll often hear her say that feeding people is one of her love languages. She’s half Italian, which heavily influences her cooking, and her love for it. Genetics, ya know!?

When she’s not cooking, she’s probably doing something outside or reading a book or taking photos on her film cameras. 

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

To: the Christian who knows there's more (or just wants to ski/ride!)

From: Joshua Johnson, founder Telos Adventures

For a time, I thought I was doing great as a Christian.. until I wasn't and God began to feel far off.

Through a series of events, where Christian leaders led me poorly and I had failed to lead others well…

I became disillusioned.

I was considering that maybe this ‘following Jesus thing’ wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

I wasn’t sure if I was letting God down, or if he was letting me down.

And if he was there at all…

How was I to make sense of the disconnection between my actual life and the one this so-called good God had for me?

To: the Christian who knows there's more (or just wants to ski/ride!)

From: Joshua Johnson, founder Telos Adventures

For a time, I thought I was doing great as a Christian.. until I wasn't and God began to feel far off.

Through a series of events, where Christian leaders led me poorly and I had failed to lead others well…

I became disillusioned.

I was considering that maybe this ‘following Jesus thing’ wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

I wasn’t sure if I was letting God down, or if he was letting me down.

And if he was there at all…

How was I to make sense of the disconnection between my actual life and the one this so-called good God had for me?

To: the Christian who knows there's more (or just wants to ski/ride!)

From: Joshua Johnson, founder Telos Adventures

For a time, I thought I was doing great as a Christian.. until I wasn't and God began to feel far off.

Through a series of events, where Christian leaders led me poorly and I had failed to lead others well…

I became disillusioned.

I was considering that maybe this ‘following Jesus thing’ wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

I wasn’t sure if I was letting God down, or if he was letting me down.

And if he was there at all…

How was I to make sense of the disconnection between my actual life and the one this so-called good God had for me?

I receieved an invitation...

The answer came in the form of a Facetime call with a friend on the other side of the world. His invitation? "Josh, you’re still writing your story with God."

I found that I needed to shed layers of unhelpful 'churchianity' and learn how to actually show up to be with Jesus in all things.

In the years since that Facetime call, I’ve gotten brutally honest with God… And I’ve also got honest with myself.

I’ve embraced my failure and my desire; my frustration with God and the experiences of his goodness. I took the risk to stay dedicated to reality at all cost… 

And if God was real and really there, then I wasn’t going to force him out of hiding… I was just going to make myself available.

The journey since

I got A LOT wrong along the way...

And I still have a lifetime's worth to learn. After all, there is no true arrival in the spiritual journey. But I can still remember the day when I felt like I had crossed into new territory with Jesus.

I was standing in my living room, looking out at the snow-covered mountains in the middle of winter and it clicked that the life I had in my hands was a gift.

I didn’t feel like my fists were clenched and I was trying to wring something good out of life with Jesus and do everything in my own power and control.

Instead, it’s kinda like my hands were open and life with God was freeing flowing through my fingers.

I didn’t need to grasp for something anymore..

Because he was just with me, here and now.

The journey since

I got A LOT wrong along the way...

And I still have a lifetime's worth to learn. After all, there is no true arrival in the spiritual journey. But I can still remember the day when I felt like I had crossed into new territory with Jesus.

I was standing in my living room, looking out at the snow-covered mountains in the middle of winter and it clicked that the life I had in my hands was a gift.

I didn’t feel like my fists were clenched and I was trying to wring something good out of life with Jesus and do everything in my own power and control.

Instead, it’s kinda like my hands were open and life with God was freeing flowing through my fingers.

I didn’t need to grasp for something anymore..

Because he was just with me, here and now.

The journey since

I got A LOT wrong along the way...

And I still have a lifetime's worth to learn. After all, there is no true arrival in the spiritual journey. But I can still remember the day when I felt like I had crossed into new territory with Jesus.

I was standing in my living room, looking out at the snow-covered mountains in the middle of winter and it clicked that the life I had in my hands was a gift.

I didn’t feel like my fists were clenched and I was trying to wring something good out of life with Jesus and do everything in my own power and control.

Instead, it’s kinda like my hands were open and life with God was freeing flowing through my fingers.

I didn’t need to grasp for something anymore..

Because he was just with me, here and now.

A home instead of a wilderness

If I were to try to use one word to describe the life with Jesus I’ve been learning to remain in, it would be REST.

Because it’s no longer about my work, and instead, it’s about his work that I get to participate in.

And so I've come to this place where life with God is a home instead of a wilderness.

And as I've been learning to walk with Jesus in this way I've set out to help as many other people as I can do the same. 

And that's looked like…

  • 2,000+ river miles floated
  • 300+ trail and canyon miles hiked
  • 400+ people rubbed shoulders with…

All while on outdoor adventures in pursuit of cultivating a deeper life in God.

And now it's your turn.

Joshua Johnson

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

A home instead of a wilderness

If I were to try to use one word to describe the life with Jesus I’ve been learning to remain in, it would be REST.

Because it’s no longer about my work, and instead, it’s about his work that I get to participate in.

And so I've come to this place where life with God is a home instead of a wilderness.

And as I've been learning to walk with Jesus in this way I've set out to help as many other people as I can do the same. 

And that's looked like…

  • 2,000+ river miles floated
  • 300+ trail and canyon miles hiked
  • 400+ people rubbed shoulders with…

All while on outdoor adventures in pursuit of cultivating a deeper life in God.

And now it's your turn.

Joshua Johnson

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Trip schedule

Here's the schedule of events for this trip

Arrival & Opening Ceremony

After you arrive at our cabin in the late afternoon of February 8th, we'll have dinner and our opening ceremony.

Read more here

You'll arrive at our cabin outside Missoula, MT on February 8, 2024 in the late afternoon.

To kick things off we'll share a meal together and casually hang out getting to know each other.

Then, we'll have our opening ceremony where we'll power down our phones and position our hearts, minds, and souls to set the stage and get the most out of our time together.

Join the trip! →

The First Day

We'll have breakfast, a morning session, and then head out to ski/ride! We'll come back to the cabin for dinner and end the day with another session.

Read more here

We'll start our morning with coffee and time to casually hang out.

Then after breakfast, we'll get into our spiritual development sessions where our speakers and facilitators will create a learning space for us to meet with God, learn from each other, and take practical steps forward in our journey with Jesus.

...then we ski!

We'll head out to the backcountry zone a few miles up the road from our cabin and spend the remaining daylight skiing and riding.

After skiing, we'll head back to the cabin, share another meal together, and hang out.

After dinner, we'll dive into another spiritual development session to end our first day.

Join the trip! →

The Second Day

On our second day, we do it again!

Read more here

Our second day will look very similar to the first: morning coffee hangs, breakfast, and another session.

Then out to the mountains to hunt good snow and ski/ride.

Finally, back to the cabin for dinner and reminiscing on the day, followed up with another session to close things out.

Join the trip! →

Closing Ceremony & Departure

We'll end our time with a final session in the morning, and our closing ceremony.

Read more here

On our final morning, we'll continue our coffee hangs rhythm with a light breakfast and then pack up.

Our final session will be our closing ceremony where we'll set ourselves up for success as we return to regular life and seal all the things God did during our time together.

...then, if you really want you could go ski some more!

Join the trip! →

Arrival & Opening Ceremony

After you arrive at our cabin in the late afternoon of February 8th, we'll have dinner and our opening ceremony.

Read more here

You'll arrive at our cabin outside Missoula, MT on February 8, 2024 in the late afternoon.

To kick things off we'll share a meal together and casually hang out getting to know each other.

Then, we'll have our opening ceremony where we'll power down our phones and position our hearts, minds, and souls to set the stage and get the most out of our time together.

Join the trip! →

The First Day

We'll have breakfast, a morning session, and then we're out to ski/ride! We'll come back to the cabin for dinner and end the day with another session.

Read more here

We'll start our morning with coffee and time to casually hang out.

Then after breakfast, we'll get into our spiritual development sessions where our speakers and facilitators will create a learning space for us to meet with God, learn from each other, and take practical steps forward in our journey with Jesus.

...then we ski!

We'll head out to the backcountry zone a few miles up the road from our cabin and spend the remaining daylight skiing and riding.

After skiing, we'll head back to the cabin, share another meal together, and hang out.

After dinner, we'll dive into another spiritual development session to end our first day.

Join the trip! →

The Second Day

On our second day, we do it again!

Read more here

Our second day will look very similar to the first: morning coffee hangs, breakfast, and another session.

Then out to the mountains to hunt good snow and ski/ride.

Finally, back to the cabin for dinner and reminiscing on the day, followed up with another session to close things out.

Join the trip! →

Closing Ceremony & Departure

We'll end our time with a final session in the morning, and our closing ceremony.

Read more here

On our final morning, we'll continue our coffee hangs rhythm with a light breakfast and then pack up.

Our final session will be our closing ceremony where we'll set ourselves up for success as we return to regular life and seal all the things God did during our time together.

...then, if you really want you could go ski some more!

Join the trip! →

Meet our speakers

Joshua Johnson

Joshua's first experiences with the Spirit of God were around a camp fire, not a church stage; prayer, alone by a river, not awkwardly in a small group...

His key belief is that as we begin to see and understand our own story in God, we can not only participate in it fully going forward, but can find a home with God in the normal stuff of life.

Meet Josh on social here.

Ryan Leeds

Ryan is the Director of Leadership Training for SFC and co-host of The SFC Podcast.

He's a bit of a nerd and is passionate about developing discipleship/leadership resources that encourage and equip other skiers/snowboarders to carry out their God-Given calling to the “shred” community.

We're extremely excited to have him as our guest speaker!

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Meet our speakers

Joshua Johnson

Joshua's first experiences with the Spirit of God were around a camp fire, not a church stage; prayer, alone by a river, not awkwardly in a small group...

His key belief is that as we begin to see and understand our own story in God, we can not only participate in it fully going forward, but can find a home with God in the normal stuff of life.

Meet Josh on social here.

Ryan Leeds

Ryan is the Director of Leadership Training for SFC and co-host of The SFC Podcast.

He's a bit of a nerd and is passionate about developing discipleship/leadership resources that encourage and equip other skiers/snowboarders to carry out their God-Given calling to the “shred” community.

We're extremely excited to have him as our guest speaker!

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Meet our speakers

Joshua Johnson

Joshua's first experiences with the Spirit of God were around a camp fire, not a church stage; prayer, alone by a river, not awkwardly in a small group...

His key belief is that as we begin to see and understand our own story in God, we can not only participate in it fully going forward, but can find a home with God in the normal stuff of life.

Meet Josh on social here.

Ryan Leeds

Ryan is the Director of Leadership Training for SFC and co-host of The SFC Podcast.

He's a bit of a nerd and is passionate about developing discipleship/leadership resources that encourage and equip other skiers/snowboarders to carry out their God-Given calling to the “shred” community.

We're extremely excited to have him as our guest speaker!

T e l o s    A d v e n t u r e s


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana


Get unstuck with God...

While shredding some pow

Let's not stay stuck in an underdeveloped, half-realized relationship with God where we won't further develop our God-given calling to live the rich life of love, joy, and peace that Jesus has on offer for us and our neighbors.

I'm excited for you to begin to...


Get unstuck with God...

While shredding some pow

Let's not stay stuck in an underdeveloped, half-realized relationship with God where we won't further develop our God-given calling to live the rich life of love, joy, and peace that Jesus has on offer for us and our neighbors.

I'm excited for you to begin to...

Create a life that is an ever-deepening relationship with God

Experience nearness with the Spirit in the ways you always dreamed you could

Realize your community as God actually intended it

Create a life that is an ever-deepening relationship with God

Experience nearness with the Spirit in the ways you always dreamed you could

Realize your community as God actually intended it

Find true rest in trusting and knowing Jesus like were you made to

With joy, lose your life so that you can truly find it

And ski or ride...


Find true rest in trusting and knowing Jesus like were you made to

With joy, lose your life so that you can truly find it

And ski or ride...



February 8-11, 2024| Northwest Montana, USA

How to join

Joining the trip is easy. Just sign up to secure your spot by clicking the blue button below, show up on February 8-11 with your gear (and your heart & soul), and come adventure with us and Jesus.

1. Sign up below

2. Come grow & ski/ride

3. Experience God

How to join

Joining the trip is easy. Just sign up to secure your spot by clicking the blue button below, show up on February 8-11 with your gear (and your heart & soul), and come adventure with us and Jesus.

1. Sign up below

2. Come grow & ski/ride

3. Experience God

Ready to grow?

Here's what you’re gonna get

Here is everything that is included when you join the trip today.

Ready to grow?

Here's what you’re gonna get

Here is everything that is included when you join the trip today.

Telos Adventures

Backcountry Ski Trip 2024

February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

6 spiritual development sessions

Gathering like-minded people who want to grow in God and ski/ride would be enough, but to really push this retreat over the edge we're including 6 spiritual development sessions that will set you up to take a step forward in your journey with Jesus.

Access to those session's video recordings

Each session with be recorded and after the event you'll be given access to a vault with all the sessions so you can review them at any time in the future as you want.

3 nights lodging

You'll be getting 3 nights of lodging at our cabin in the mountains.

5 homemade meals

You're in for a treat because our friend Natalie Bruno will be cooking all our meals! All breakfasts and dinners are covered.

Professional trip video to share

Have you ever found it difficult to share an impactful experience with people who matter to you? Yeah, us too, and it's lonely. So we're having a professional videographer along for the ride to document the whole thing. After the trip, you'll get a mini-documentary film that you can share with friends and family and have for yourself to remember the trip.

A rad community of ski/riders interested in growing with Jesus

Realistically, half of the impact of this event will come through the people you share the experience with. God seems to think that rubbing shoulders with others to grow is as important as it is directly with him. And that's what this trip offers: a time to journey with others who get it.

2 backcountry ski days with the crew

This is not a guided backcountry ski trip, but we are setting aside ample time to backcountry ski/ride together as friends. We get to take what we learned with each other and in the sessions with us as we play in the mountains.



Telos Adventures


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Normally: $1,500



(Financing options available, click the button to inquire)

Telos Adventures

Backcountry Ski Trip 2024

February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

6 spiritual development sessions

Gathering like-minded people who want to grow in God and ski/ride would be enough, but to really push this retreat over the edge we're including 6 spiritual development sessions that will set you up to take a step forward in your journey with Jesus.

Access to those session's video recordings

Each session with be recorded and after the event you'll be given access to a vault with all the sessions so you can review them at any time in the future as you want.

3 nights lodging

You'll be getting 3 nights of lodging at our cabin in the mountains.

5 homemade meals

You're in for a treat because our friend Natalie Bruno will be cooking all our meals! All breakfasts and dinners are covered.

Professional trip video to share

Have you ever found it difficult to share an impactful experience with people who matter to you? Yeah, us too, and it's lonely. So we're having a professional videographer along for the ride to document the whole thing. After the trip, you'll get a mini-documentary film that you can share with friends and family and have for yourself to remember the trip.

A rad community of ski/riders interested in growing with Jesus

Realistically, half of the impact of this event will come through the people you share the experience with. God seems to think that rubbing shoulders with others to grow is as important as it is directly with him. And that's what this trip offers: a time to journey with others who get it.

2 backcountry ski days with the crew

This is not a guided backcountry ski trip, but we are setting aside ample time to backcountry ski/ride together as friends. We get to take what we learned with each other and in the sessions with us as we play in the mountains.



Telos Adventures



February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Normally: $1,500



(Financing options available, click the button to inquire)

Telos Adventures

Backcountry Ski Trip 2024

February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

6 spiritual development sessions

Gathering like-minded people who want to grow in God and ski/ride would be enough, but to really push this retreat over the edge we're including 6 spiritual development sessions that will set you up to take a step forward in your journey with Jesus.

Access to those session's video recordings

Each session with be recorded and after the event you'll be given access to a vault with all the sessions so you can review them at any time in the future as you want.

3 nights lodging

You'll be getting 3 nights of lodging at our cabin in the mountains.

5 homemade meals

You're in for a treat because our friend Natalie Bruno will be cooking all our meals! All breakfasts and dinners are covered.

Professional trip video to share

Have you ever found it difficult to share an impactful experience with people who matter to you? Yeah, us too, and it's lonely. So we're having a professional videographer along for the ride to document the whole thing. After the trip, you'll get a mini-documentary film that you can share with friends and family and have for yourself to remember the trip.

A rad community of ski/riders interested in growing with Jesus

Realistically, half of the impact of this event will come through the people you share the experience with. God seems to think that rubbing shoulders with others to grow is as important as it is directly with him. And that's what this trip offers: a time to journey with others who get it.

2 backcountry ski days with the crew

This is not a guided backcountry ski trip, but we are setting aside ample time to backcountry ski/ride together as friends. We get to take what we learned with each other and in the sessions with us as we play in the mountains.



Telos Adventures


February 8-11, 2024| Missoula, Montana

Normally: $1,500



(Financing options available, click the button to inquire)

How to join

Joining the trip is easy. Just sign up to secure your spot by clicking the blue button below, show up on February 8-11 with your gear (and your heart & soul), and come adventure with us and Jesus.

1. Sign up below

2. Come grow & ski/ride

3. Experience God

Ready to grow?


Is the backcountry skiing/riding guided?

No! This is NOT a commercially guided backcountry skiing/riding trip.

By attending the trip you assume all risks associated with skiing/riding in wilderness backcountry terrain.

The location for this trip will be near easily accessed backcountry terrain and we've scheduled in large amounts of times to tour with others in the group.

Yet, it is up to you and the group you chose to ski/ride with to properly assess, mitigate, and navigate the avalanche terrain you decide to recreate on.

You will be responsible for all your own gear. All attendees must have at least level 1 avalanche training or equivalent experience and carry a beacon, shovel, probe, and know how to use them.

We firmly believe God is delighted to be with you and meet you in the mountains so we strongly encourage you to take your learnings and reflections from the spiritual development sessions with you as you tour.

Our facilitators will be joining in touring but will provide no professional guiding.

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Will you provide gear? What do I need to attend?

We will not be providing any touring gear or guiding.

Please see the following FAQs for more info:

- What Is Included

- Is The Backcountry Skiing/Riding Guided?

In order to attend this trip you are required to have:

- a full backcountry kit (ski touring set up/splitboard, beacon, shovel, probe, other needed backcountry gear)

- a minimum of avalanche level one training or equivalent experience – this includes knowledge about avalanche mitigation and rescue techniques

- some backcountry experience is recommended – you need to know your gear and how to use it. We will not be supporting you in the sport of backcountry skiing/snowboarding in any way

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What is included?

- 6 spiritual development sessions

- access to those session's video recordings

- 3 nights lodging

- 5 homemade meals (all breakfasts/dinners covered)

- professional trip video to share with friends & family

- rad community of ski/riders interested in growing with Jesus

- 2 days to join the crew in the backcountry

- swag!

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How do I sign up?

It's time to lock in your spot on the trip!

We have limited space and work on a first-come first-served basis so make sure to sign up while space is available.

To sign up, click here and complete your registration at the checkout. You will be emailed a confirmation along with further details.

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When is the trip?

The trip is February 8-11, 2024.

You'll arrive Thursday evening the 8th, and leave Sunday morning the 11th.

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Where is the trip happening at?

The trip will take place in the mountains west of the Missoula, MT area.

We have a cabin out there that will serve as our base of operations. We'll be hanging out, eating meals, and doing spiritual development sessions at the cabin.

Backcountry skiing will be at a zone about a 30-min drive up the road!

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How many people will be on this trip?

Spaces are limited and we currently can take a maximum of 10 people.

To make sure you're one of them, click here to secure your spot.

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Is this a co-ed trip? (Is it for men and women?)


We think that trips are better with both men and women because we have so much to learn from one another and to give to one another.

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I'm a snowboarder, can I come??

Of course! We'd love to have you.

As long as you have a splitboard set up, avy training and/or experience and rescue gear, and some backcountry experience you're good to go.

(Let's not give in to the long-held animosity between those who prefer to slide on snow with one plank or two. This is a trip for skiers and for snowboarders.. The only reason we're calling it a ski trip is because "skiing and snowboarding" is too long to put in a title! Please join us with your split board, we'd love to have you.)

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How much does it cost?

Normally a trip like this is about $1,500.. but we've gotten it down to only $997!

Normally: $1,500

Today: $997

We're limited to 10 spots. Click here to lock in yours.

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What if I need to cancel after signing up?

We offer a 14-day money back guarantee if you need to cancel for any reason. To see our full refund policy, click here.

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Will I be photographed and filmed?

Have you ever gone on a super sick trip and even though you snapped a few phone photos or videos, your friends and family just don't quite get it...?

We've experienced that on more than one occasion.

The problem is that it's a ton of work to capture awesome adventures on your own... not to mention editing them into something that actually captures the spirit of the trip.. oh yeah, and it's distracting! 

So to help you be fully present and still have some memories captured to share with friends and family we'll have a videographer out on the trip!

He'll be capturing all the goodies and then we'll make a super rad documentary-style video for you to put into your memories vault and share with friends and family.

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What does Telos Adventures believe?

We’re biblically grounded, Trinitarian Christians, who use outdoor adventure to create contemplative spaces for people to take the next step on their journey with Jesus.

Our favorite question is, “who are you becoming?”

We’re interested in the dynamic ways that God the Father is actively molding an individual's life through the Holy Spirit to shape them to increasingly reflect the likeness of Christ.

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Chairlift Marketing LLC, DBA Telos Adventures

2023 All Rights Reserved |

Telos Adventures

Chairlift Marketing LLC, DBA Telos Adventures

2023 All Rights Reserved |

Telos Adventures

Chairlift Marketing LLC, DBA Telos Adventures

2023 All Rights Reserved |

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